一点透視図法の正当性、なぜ遠くのものが小さく見えるのか Principle of Perspective (in my opinion) why objects are smaller in the distance

   As I mentioned in the self-introduction, I am a huge admirer of Leonard da Vinci. One of his many achievements is his study on perspective.
   The basic principle of perspective is that objects get smaller as seen by our naked eyes. Therefore they recede to a point in the distance. If you extend lines in Leonardo's paintings, you see that all those lines intersect at one point as seen in the painting below.


The Last Supper of Leonardo, Easter topic which is Never Enough ...


  Then I thought, "In Euclidean geometry, parallel lines are not supposed to intersect, how come this technique describe nature of matters?"

I thought about it for a couple of minutes, and the answer was fairly simple. But I first need to explain how we see objects.


how we see objects


  The light first passes through a tough protective sheet called the cornea and then moves into the lens. This adjustable structure bends the light, focusing it down to a point on the retina, at the back of the eye. (from Independent). The image created on the retina is processed in our brain, thereby we perceive objects.


  Now we consider how the lens work. This is a revision of high school physics.

  As you can see below, there is an equation that enables us to find the sides of the image on the retina. Since the ratio o : i = (size of the object):(size of image), we can find the size of the image in the following equation             


Size of image = (size of object) times (i/o) ・・・・(1)



lens equation

  The distance between lines, in general, can be thought as the length of the line segment perpendicular to both lines. When the length is zero, two lines intersect. Therefore, if we regard the line segments as objects, these will be smaller as it goes far away because the larger distance makes o bigger, leaving the size of an image (line segment) smaller. If we take o as infinity, the length of line segment approaches zero, meaning lines intersect.


  In the discussion above I hope it is clear why things look smaller in the distance. I also hope this can validate the use of intersecting lines in perspective.

  The reason for my question was the structure of our eyes. There is even an area of mathematics called projective geometry that allows for two parallel lines to intersect in the distance in an attempt to describe the world as we see it. Our sensory organs are distorting the world but we don't know that.

  On hindsight, I am now wondering how we can be sure that we can rely on our sensory experience? 





昨今の新型コロナウイルスの世界的流行に伴い、日本だけでなく世界がこの辛く苦しい時代を生き抜いています。日々増加する感染者、死者。家に閉じこもることを余儀無くされる毎日です。 部活動を本気でやってきた高校生はインターハイなど各種大会の中止により学生生活最大のゴールを奪われてしまったと感じますし、入試を控えた中高生にとっては外部試験の中止や推薦入試の有無など不安がまとわりつく毎日です。




「9月新学期制度」は、平成25年の東京大学元総長濱田純一さんの「秋入学構想」に代表されるように、長らく賛成の声が叫ばれ続けてきた議題であり、このコロナの拡大をうけて今が改革の契機であると主張する声はすでに全国的に聞こえています。 そしてこの現状において、9月入学という改革はコロナで被害を受けている学生にとっても大きな救いの手になると信じています。




コロナで行事や大会もなくなり不安な学生方を始め、秋入学に賛成してくれる皆様、この制度改革の持つ力を信じて、是非その力を貸してください。 今、コロナウイルスの影響を受け、現状を変えていかなければならないと考える学生や大人などの皆さん一人一人の協力が、必ず大きな力となると僕達は確信しています。

ミウラ折りの起源 Origin of Miura-Ori












三浦氏が当時吉村慶丸先生の弾性薄肉円筒の座屈パターン、つまり、円筒の壊れるパターン(Yoshimura Pattern or Schwartz lantern)の研究をしていたところ、そのパターンを紙の上で再現して上から力を加えると構造が一点に収束することを発見した。このおりパターンを上記の極限状態の紙の最適折り線だと過程して、数学的と実験的に証明してできたのがミウラ折りである。






#補足になるが、このアイデアオイラーのエラスティカ(Euler's Elastica)という限りなく細い弾性棒の変形パターンの二次元バージョンとも考えられる。



I decided to publish my findings and streams of thoughts in the form of the blog during the self-quarantine period. For those who are indifferent to the nature of matters, this blog would probably seem highly complacent, but I wish my idea will be worth reading at least for some of you.


The name "Codex Katlanticus" stems from the title given to one of Leonardo Da Vinci's notebooks with the addition of my initial K.


Leonardo da Vinci is arguably among the most well-known men of universality. Although he is most renowned for his paintings, these achievements only constitute a small portion of his greater contribution. He left enormous notebooks flooded with breathtaking drawings and mirrored letters that collectively harmonise the underlying principle of nature, some of which are still beyond our comprehension.


The reason why I refer to him is that I set him as a model of my life.


Having read hid biography and notebooks, I realised that his central philosophy is "Nothing is superior to nature." With this in mind, he voraciously sophisticated his understanding of nature through the eyes of science.


And this is the very quality that I aspire to attain.


From now on, I will inscribe my feelings in this blog in the pretentious hope that this will weigh as much as his notebooks in the future.


my copy of a drawing by Michelangelo - the prominent rival of Leonardo